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Quantum Nebula,Quantum Foam,
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The Quantum Nebula, the Quantum Foam, 

Background: in order to express my thoughts more clearly, I have used images of my own creation, but I have also found it necessary to use images and descriptions by the greats, I have always published the details of the creator of the image and description, so I thank the creators!

The matter of the Universe's creation has arisen from the infinite Universe, from the quantum nebula and quantum foam, which gives an explanation for the creation of the Universe too, and they exist to nowdays. However, I believe that the Creator also needed matter to create the infinite Universe with its infinite matter, the Multiverses and the infinite Universe, Universe, Solar System, Earth and the life on it.
The human body and life is an extremely complex, electrochemical being, its main components are water, H2O 60%, calcium, Ca, and carbon, C.
I was fascinated by the creation of carbon, being essential for life. It has two constituents, Beryllium, which fuses with Helium, which should be never to combine, yet the miracle continues to happen, even today! Physical proof of the existence of the creator, supported with facts.

So, in the infinite space there are infinite amounts of quantum nebulae, quantum foam waves and other extremely small amounts of virtual matter exist at present, they fill the infinite space and infinite vacuum, so they are everywhere. Quantum matter waves have a dual property, as evidenced by the Double-slit experiment (the double-slit experiment is elaborated below). Matters are in constant motion in space, and accordingly they have wave properties, but only until the observer's gaze is drawn to it, after which it behaves like matter. Its time of existence is infinite! The miraculous effect of the eye ray is also common in the world of animals, you should not look into the eyes of a predator, because it will attack if it detect you. There are many other similar interesting connections through the eye ray.

There are two possible states of the Quantum Nebula:

Matter with one electron, these can be hydrogen or energy, and are the main constituents of the universe.
Quantum foam also has a superposition state, so it exists even when the fundamental particles are not yet present, such as the electron.  Superposition means that Quantum Foam is not matter, it is not energy, it is a possibility to become anything, so a possibility is a cloud, an electron can become an atom, or a wave of energy. In the Universe, the 100 kinds of matter in the Mendeleev table have come to be from the quantum foam, except hydrogen.
These 100 kinds of quantum foam waves according to the Mendeleev table, become 100 kinds of matter as far as possible, in the centre of stars, by nuclear fusion. 

The potential waves become matter only when they are observed and the wave collapses. The fact is that even in the 17th century Berkeley claimed that everything exists only when it is observed. Everything!  
So far it has been about quanta and other particles. But on the Earth around us, and even in the macro world and the universe, atoms are made of waves, so they cannot be seen. We only see them when we look at them, and therefore the waves are collapsed. Of course, if many people are looking at it, watching it all the time, like the universe, then the wave state cannot be restored.

The miracle of the double slit instruments is only possible because reality is a processing process that affects the human eye, brain, consciousness! ( The dinosaur had no consciousness because his brain was tiny compared to his body, the wave didn't collapse him, because he had no consciousness!) All waves exist only if they are not observed, if someone looks at them consciously, they become matter. Whatever matter we see around us, indeed everything we can see on earth, in the sky is all matter. But at the time of creation they were only quantum nebulae, or quantum foams.

But let’s stay on humans, if someone looks at you from behind, you will soon perceive it and turn around. If two people look into each other's eyes, they are almost sending thoughts, emotions to each other and they are perceiving them. Many human connections have been made by looking into each other's eyes. What has been described, as well as the physics and physiology of the eyes, proves that we don't just see with our eyes and receive light, which goes to the back of the brain, which processes it and there the image is displayed. The brain also emits light and matter outwards, completing the image having seen and sending a message.
The eye also emits energy and matter waves, which it can transmit information and also matter to a target and communicate it to someone by looking into each other's eyes. In this way, it can convey thoughts, affect emotions, or express anger, contempt, disdain, rejection, goodwill, affection, kindness, and much more.

But, to turn back to what I have said, our eyes often deceive us, we see the stars, almost all of them, as points on the sky, even though light travels in a sphere and as a wave on the sky, and this is the case everywhere. When we look at those, we see all the stars as a point, so we see as matter. It follows from these that the light waves arriving into the instrument will show interference with the sensor when testing materials in the double slit experiments. The wave crests, when they meet, strengthen each other, so come to be the interference stripes created by the light, and the encounter of the troughs weakens it.  
But if you look at it, you see matter, a  point of light, appearing as a dot, and if you turn your gaze away, the beam of light again shows interference waves on the display. And this miracle is created by the light of our eyes. 
If we set up detectors at both slits to know which one the particle will choose, it will choose neither, bypassing the double slit instrument and taking all other possible paths arrives to the detector.

According to Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, the exact position or velocity of a particle or an object cannot be determined simultaneously. It can be measured only seperately, one after the other. However, quantum particles are just there. The physics of the quantum matter and quantum foam cloud are very different, that just have to be accepted, it's just there. The merge of quantum physics with NEWTON physics has been tried for many years, but it hasn't worked yet.

With the double slits way of testing can be determined if the substance under investigation, in our case quantum foam or quantum nebula, has the properties of matter or wave, or it is like light, also matter, also wave and +, also arrives in quanta (phases) to us?

The double slit experiment

These quantum nebulae and quantum foam particles, bunches of energy, make up all the matter in the Universe.
And they control our brains, our thoughts, our movements, our emotions,
our body's neural electrical impulses, our whole lives.

Quantum-level phenomena are also true for our macro-level observations! All matter that exists is made up of quanta and waves, from which atoms and molecules are made. This is how matter, plant and animal life, including man, came into being.

When I look at a chair, I see it as a chair, and when I just stroke it, I perceive it, because my consciousness has stored the shape of the chair for a long time, we see the photons coming from it with our brain, we perceive it with our touch, but the chair is made of quantum - atomic waves, made up of atoms and quantum matter, energy packets within them. And this derivation applies to all matter that we see, chair, stone, house, star, planet, in fact, what we see only as information transmitted by our senses. 
The Universe is a formless quantum cloud, until we observe it, it is energy, in the form of particles and waves E=mc2 according to Einstein.

So our eyes can be fooled, if our senses are communicating other information, that's the image it sees. This is quite dangerous, a possibility, as a prominent writer wrote in his book, to control people's consciousness, their vision, their senses (the blind can see with their hands and hear with their ears), so that they can modify, see and perceive everything as beautiful, to keep people prosperous while they live in squalor and filth.

Besides, atoms occupy a very small space in space, with a large empty space between the nucleus and the electrons. The miracle is that the chair doesn't collapse when you sit on it, or you can't put your hand in it, prevented by the attraction and interaction of the atoms. 
Scientists believe that we are intimately connected to the structure of the universe at all levels, and to each other. According to the twin paradox, if two particles are entangled, but we remove one half, very far away, even into space, and change the spin (direction of rotation?) of the part that remains on Earth, the very distant particle will follow this change faster than the speed of light. It has also been confirmed that not only microscopic materials can be examined by the two slit experiment, but also materials thousands of times larger, and even living bacteria work in the same way, and passing through the two slits shows a wave on the display, but when you look at it, it becomes the same material.


Space is perceived in terms of length, width and height, this is space, and it has existed this way since 400 BC. Modern physics, and Kaluza-Klein physicists, found this insufficient and created a fourth, added the dimension of time, and thus created spacetime, which they were already good at calculating. It was suggested that light is nothing but the vibration of the fourth spatial dimension. But the curiosity was not yet over. Freund, a first-year undergraduate student, said, "Why should light and gravity be so different?", and on this basis, the Kaluza-Klein physicists boldly suggested that, wrapped up, there was a fifth dimension. It naturally followed that higher dimensions existed, up to the 10th dimension. 
Einstein believed that a really good mathematical formula must be not only good but also beautiful, like polished marble, and he considered E=mc2, or the Kaluza-Klein formula for the fourth dimension, to be such a formula. 
And he was right, E=mc2 is still the most widely used formula in the world today. Although many "scientists?!" are engaged in trying to prove E=mc2 wrong, unsuccessfully and to no avail. 
The Kaluza-Klein formula is beautiful and wonderful because it is from it, through it, that the 4th-5th, then the higher and 10th dimensions evolved, and it is thus the formula of the future! Those formulas that don't work, or work badly, and are too complicated, Einstein said, are made of wood. 
Interest in the Kaluza-Klein formula is gone, for a while!

Because the time had come for quantum mechanics, and the scientific world wanted to deal with the new.

The written above proves that everything in the universe is connected to everything else, and that living things and people are connected to each other, even if they don't know it.

The standard model

There were news about the standard model is failing, which is fair enough as it classifies cca100 elementary matter, but gravity is not included in it, at the same time it is not beautiful, it doesn't systematize, it rather squeezes together unknown elementary matter. Many scientist try to develop a new model. GUT is a promising new model, but it is far from perfect, it lacks gravity. The decay of protons is 10132 years, which rules out simple GUT theories, and there is a mysterious set of theories included in it. The two together would be good almost, but it wouldn't be nice and neat.

The greatest scientific problem of all time is the possibility of combining quantum theory with gravity, and thus a theory of Everything could be realized!

Almost every physicist, and the greatest physicists of the 20th century have been working on this.
Einstein had spent the last 30 years of his life trying to solve it, without success. 
Heisenberg, the famous German physicist Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle is fundamental to quantum mechanics and explains many experimental results. This principle limits the precise determination of the properties of particles and emphasises the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics.
Heisenberg wrote a book on this subject in his Theory of Everything. 
Then he published that he and Wolfgang Pauli had solved the Theory of Everything problem. 
Wolfgang Pauli then sent a letter to Heisenberg. The letter was a blank sheet of paper and Pauli wrote that "this picture will show the world that I can paint like Titian. Only technical details are missing"? 
Pauli lectured on the unified field theory of Heisenberg and Wolfgang Pauli. At the end, Niels Bohr stood up and said, "we can all agree on that your theory is crazy, the only question is whether it is crazy enough". 

So the Theory of Everything was still not born. But science, physics are in great need of a unified theory of Everything! It would revolutionize physics and could solve a lot of currently pending problems. The time is ripe for change!, it has coercive power to call the next generation to the world of marble, and of course the realization of the Theory of Everything, the unification of gravity with quantum physics, and the Nobel Prize! 

I will then write about the great struggle of physicists are engaged in to realise the Theory of Everything.
Almost the entire community of physical science is involved in it.  
And then the Kaluza-Klein theory was revived! The interest was sparked by the fact that it was carved out of marble, so it was clear and bright. And it was faviorable for the physicists that it had more dimensions, now 5. So they added the ’N’ dimensions, and they could realise that the symmetry about hyperspace could be freely derived. And then the key to the standard model, the Yang-Mills field, appeared. 
This new equation breaks down into two parts, the first part being Einstein's standard equations of gravity, the second part being exactly the Yang-Mills theory, which is the basis of all subatomic physics. It came almost automatically from the higher dimensions, the symmetry discovered could be derived from hyperspace. 
That's how marble came to be! And so we unify the Einstein field describing gravity, the Maxvell field, the Yang-Mills field, and the pieces of the puzzle match together.

Which, the extracting the Yang-Mills field from the old Kaluza-Klein theory, is the first step. 
Turning wood into marble is extremely difficult.
Each parts of the standard models have spin. And this prevents moving forward. But to our surprise, a new property called supersymmetry claimed the opposite and proposed a new number system. But the simplest way to recept matter would be to describe the theory of supergravity in 11 dimensions of space.

But then the only way to describe the Kaluza-Klein theory in 11 dimensions have to be changed the tensors of the Riemann theory. 
Peter van Nieuwenhuizen is a very brilliant mind who not only does simple arithmetic, but is also strong at setting trends. He does this in a way that for him, sheet paper is scarce, since the supergravity equation exceeds the extent of the sheet paper. Therefore, he calculates and writes in a large format artist's sketchbook. He works by starting at the top left corner of the front page of the notebook and filling the entire pages and notebook, non-stop, all the while following the many formulas and their interrelationships. And this is how the work progressed for many weeks. But it's superhuman work. Yes, it is. But that's how much he wanted the result, the formula of the Universe. But alas, there is still something missing from the Theory of Everything formula!
This is when the physical society turned to String Theory.


And here we come to String Theory! About which, it has been written, that would be the formula for the 21st century, but so difficult that it came too early into the 20th century. The essence of string theory is that it can explain the nature both of matter of space-time. Even standard theory has left us with many elementary particles. But we don't know how it came into being, and what the string is made of.
It could be possible that strings are in the Universe from infinite time and will be there for infinite, too. The answer of string theory is that string vibrates and is 100 billion billion times smaller than the proton. This predicts that it will never be visible, and no experimental proofs can be made with it. The colour, shape and frequency of the strings determine what material they are part of.

But the physicists have been repeatedly stated, that will never be possible to do proof the existence of strings.  Earliar it was written about stars that they would remain a point of light forever and their matter could never be determined or analysed. We have gone beyond that, we are now using spectroscopy and spectral analysis to study stars and determine their matter, their composition and their date of formation. It is possible that the tools of research for string theory and 11th dimension will be found in Space. And there are more of these "not suitable items for researche"  waiting to be solved?!

The most important of these is to solve String Theory. So, we needed a 21st century mathematical physicist. And what a life is, here is the American genius who can solve the problem.

Today Edward Witten dominates the world of physics with his genius, even though he was coming around from a different track. Now his name is mentioned alongside with Einstein's. He has won all the highest prizes in physics. He works at home so that he is just only looking out of his window. His wife, who is proud of him, in additional a professional, says, "He never calculates, works in any other way, but only in his head."

Witten says: "Most people who are not skilled in physics probably think that physicists do incredibly difficult calculations.  But not really! The point is that the physicist is dealing with concepts, trying to understand the concepts and principles along which the world works. And by re-shaping them he invents the new, impossible solution with his genius. It's a declaration worthy of genius, and then his decision, too.

And he decided: he wanted to reach to solve the superstring theory, claiming that he could unite Einstein's theory of gravity with quantum theory. And he has fulfilled his promise, he has united them. 
He unified Einstein's theory of gravity and quantum theory, combined together and implemented the super-string theory, meaning the theory of quantum gravity, which is in science magnitude equal to the equation of Einstein's general theory of relativity! Now the solution to the Theory of Everything is very close indeed!

Although most physicists have been working on this for about 20 years, only with Witten's knowledge that made the breakthrough, the working of the superstring theory. So now all the formulas of the Universe, including E=mc2, are accepted by the superstring theory, but not yet completed.


was created by Princeton physicists David Gross, Emil Martinec, Jefrey Harvey, and Ryan Rohm.  They were called also as the String Quartet. On the meetings in connection with this at Princeton, it was Witten who asked the most questions in his soft voice. Gross's organ is thunderous and commanding. The most striking feature of his string theory is that it embraces Einstein's theory of gravity, and even loves gravity, unlike the previous formulas. 
According to this theory, graviton is the quantum of gravity!

It is compact and beautiful because it provides a simple explanation of the origin of the symmetries of particle physics and general relativity. It eliminates infinities, giving a finite theory of quantum gravity. This alone gives him the chance for the title of "Creator of the Theory of Everything" with Superstring Theory.

In physics, many problems have arisen in the past that were thought and claimed never to be solved, and however having been solved. Now string theory is like that. I am almost certain that string theory will be solved, because it is like shiny granite, and then it is perfect, according to Einstein.

However, String Theory solves and accepts all the formulas of the Universe, and is especially fond of the hitherto considered impossible theory of gravity. Because String Theory is a rather complicated but consisting of extremely beautiful formulas which make these possible.  I am sure that it is only a matter of time before superstring theory will win its rightful place in physics and the recognition as its rightful realizer for the Theory of Everything. 
My vote would go to Edward Witten, he has made the greatest strides in physics, successfully.

But people are such that if they did not win, then the other's victory should be downgraded. The real father of String Theory, Edward Witten, who I wrote about above, doesn't write anything down, he solves it by thinking at home in his head. He decided to combine Einstein's theory of gravity and quantum physics to create superstring theory. His colleagues, to stop him from winning the Nobel Prize, found out that String Theory is 100 billion billion times smaller than the proton in the nucleus, so the String Theory particle cannot be studied yet, and is therefore unsuitable for physics! But it accepts all the formulas and gravity, and can be worked with!
So, a well-functioning string theory is harmful to leave out of the work of physics and the future. It should be used, and there have been examples of it being thrown up as a good solution, even for its own physics formula.

String Theory is a rather complicated, but extremely beautiful set of formulas that make these possible. I am sure that it is only a matter of time before String Theory absorbs its rightful recognition and its rightful bearer of the Theory of Everything.
The statement is not true that String Theory will never be able examined. It has happened before that when a small part of an atom was undetectable by any other means, being experimentally examined, it was possible to deduce from the happenings exactly the composition and size of the matter.

I myself believe it is necessary to examine the universe.
The above study also justifies my work I have done in writing Quantum Nebula, Quantum Foam.


I'm about to celebrate my 85th birthday, I've had a good life so far, and I'd like to continue. I have many more plans that I want to realise. 
I started astronomy 15 years ago, when I read a book by a famous author on the theory of the Twin Paradox. It decided my future destiny. It was then that I met my new partner and on our first date I told him about the Ikerparadox theory in detail. He didn't tell me what he thought! At the time I enthusiastically told him that in 15 years the world would change, there would be such extraordinary astronomical discoveries.

It was 15 years ago that I built my present house, which already had the astronomical dome on top when it was half finished. It has three instruments that work in parallel. I was researching and studying at the same time, and I loved doing it. I rebuilt my world-famous faulty instrument, and most of the instruments I have built are of my own construction, and also hand-built.

I have successfully run my company for 40 years, specializing in components for braking systems in high speed trains. We have issued 4 million pieces without defect. Every piece is stamped with my initials. I am proud of it, I am known in Japan, China, Germany, France and many other places.

In the meantime, also 15 years ago, I started reading, citing great success in the Ikerparadox case. I read all Stephen Hawking's books, I learned a lot from him, for example he wrote "if you get to page 15 and you don't understand something until then, put the book on the shelf, it looks good there." Also, Einstein is my favourite author because he explains the formula for general relativity and so on with infinite calm logic.

I also enjoy reading books by John Gribbin, Jim Al-Khalili, and Michio Kaku. 
I have always been fascinated by Heisenberg's wonderful theories and writings, and I have read astronomy books by many other authors. 
Since I used to invite my dear friends and my doctor to my birthday parties, and he used to gift me with astronomy books, knowing my interest. There are few books on astronomy in Hungary that I have not read.

I am proud of the 15 years of change in physics predicted above, but it is not really pride, because I simply felt the need and the compulsion to change. For me, it is like the Great Unravelling in mathematics. For me, it was the Big Conundrum. And it has come true.

I wish my Dear Readers to make their Dreams come true, for physics to realize its wonderful law, String Theory, 
let us live a healthy future.

Budapest, 04.23.2024.

Ferenc Hollosi